Wednesday, 21 July 2010


I certainly have a thing about red hair, I'll admit. I also have a deep hatred for brown hair (on myself!) which is my natural colour.

The last time I dyed my hair red was in the salon, back in October. As you can imagine, I have terrible roots now. They can't even be described as roots more 'random red bits at the end of my hair.' Rather attractive, hey?

So to save on costs and an exhausting trip to the salon, I'm doing home dye again. We have a new bathroom floor, so we ended up getting a creme, red spots on a new floor I don't think my parents would appreciate much!

The lovely Lucy reccomended that I try L'Oreal Casting Creme, along with another friend who uses 'Dark Cherry' in the range, I thought I'd give this one a go. I'm yet to do the patch test, which requires 48 hours, so most likely will be doing the dying on saturday.
As much as I'll dislike it, I'll do before/after photos. You'll get to see my scatty 'random red bits at the end of my hair', joy!

I've chosen 'Terracotta' in the range, it's a darkish red but any red for me at the moment is good! Along with it being a semi, if it goes horrible then at least I don't have to wait forever.

Below is the colour chart, I have a mixture between light brown/brown, so gives you a rough idea of the colour that should come out afterwards.

Looks slightly promising! Shall update you guys on how I get along, lets hope it really is 'no drip'! Any else of you tried this range before? I'm excited!

Monday, 12 July 2010


I would just like to point out, despite the fact below I have a post about photography and what appears to be a first post in an odd layout, it's not. There was previous posts, but they have simply been deleted, to just fill in any confusion!

So. I'm Daisy. Hello! Nice to meet you.

I'm not quite sure in what way this blog shall head in, I like doing nail art a lot recently, so perhaps it will end up with something like that alongside useless rambles about things you honestly don't give a knickers about. Unless you do care about my useless rambles, in which case, bravo to you. Kudos ect.

To get small formalities and facts out of the way... I'm 16, have an illness called M.E ( and apparently spew rubbish quite a lot.

But I'll let you decide that.


Now, this isn't a post posting different photographs ect. This is basically the post of me going 'OMG LOOK AT THE PRETTY CAMERA, I WANT I WANT!!' so please do bare with me. (ooer.)

I wouldn't say I'm a particually amazing photographer, I've stuck with a small Fujifilm (which apparently has been updated and they don't stock my exact one anymore...!) for quite some time, it's not the best of cameras but at the time it was cost effective.

However, my eldest brother has a beautiful camera. He's done photography before as a job, his work is amazing! I think -emphasis on the think- that the camera he owns is a Canon 4OD. I shall have to ask him and correct myself if I've gotten this wrong.

Anyway, I've come quite far in terms of my photography, from the 11 year old self who put her thumb over a photo of the eiffel tower to now where I can take a pretty decent photo, when I've got the right equipment. Decent photos are all about quality to me, which my little pocket Fujifilm one doesn't like to do! Not knocking it, I do love it, just the quality isn't 'eeee this is sososososo amazing' y'know?

I'm shit at saving but I'd love to have this camera:

One day, my lovelies... one day. x