Monday, 12 July 2010


I would just like to point out, despite the fact below I have a post about photography and what appears to be a first post in an odd layout, it's not. There was previous posts, but they have simply been deleted, to just fill in any confusion!

So. I'm Daisy. Hello! Nice to meet you.

I'm not quite sure in what way this blog shall head in, I like doing nail art a lot recently, so perhaps it will end up with something like that alongside useless rambles about things you honestly don't give a knickers about. Unless you do care about my useless rambles, in which case, bravo to you. Kudos ect.

To get small formalities and facts out of the way... I'm 16, have an illness called M.E ( and apparently spew rubbish quite a lot.

But I'll let you decide that.

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